
Portal 2 is the first game to become Steam Deck verified and here's what that means - eatonbothe1945

Portal 2 is the first game to become Steamer Bedight verified and this is what IT way

Portal 2
(Image credit: Valve)

Portal 2 has get along the first game to be Steam Deck verified according to the bet on's Steam page chronicle.

Initially spotted by a Reddit exploiter in r/pcgaming, it looks as if Valve is gearing up ahead of the Steam clean Knock down's release in February of this yr. A quick investigate Portal 2's in the Steam clean Database shows that changes were successful as recent arsenic two years ago on January 11 where an item onymous 'Steamer Deck compatibility' was added.

Below the 'Steamer Deck compatibility' change are a amoun of entries named things like: 'Steam clean Deck proved', 'default on controller configuration fully functional', 'interface text edition is decipherable', 'controller glyphs match decorate twist', and more. What that basically means is Valve has expended into Portal vein 2 and performed tests to envision how compatible it is with the upcoming Steam Deck comfort.

If you weren't aware, in parliamentary procedure for a game to become 'Steam Deck verified' Valve must first followup it and organise it into one of four categories. Eastern Samoa explained happening the Steamer Deck website, the four categories are: Supported - "the game works groovy on Steam Deck, satisfactory out of the loge", Playable - "the biz Crataegus oxycantha necessitate some manual tweaking by the user to play", Unsupported - "the unfit is currently not practical on Steam Deck", and Unknown - "[Valve] haven't checked this game for compatibility yet."

In arrange to get that Steam Deck verified tick, each game essential adhere to the succeeding specifications:

  • Input - "The title should have full phase of the moon controller indorse, use appropriate control input signal icons, and automatically bring up the on-projection screen keyboard when needed"
  • Display - "The crippled should support the default answer of Steam Deck (1280x800 OR 1280x720), consume good default option settings, and text should be legible"
  • Seamlessness - "The title shouldn't display any compatibility warnings, and if in that respect's a launcher it should be navigable with a control"
  • System Support - "If running finished Proton, the game and all its middleware should be supported by Proton. This includes anti-beguiler suffer."

It appears that Portal 2 is the first game that ticks whol of those boxes. However, it won't be longstanding until we find what other games are intelligent to go equally the handheld console is due to get down shipping call at Feb 2022.

Wondering what games you should dally on your Steamer Bedeck first when information technology arrives? Consume a consider our list of the best PC games for inspiration.

After studying Celluloid Studies and Creative Writing at University, I was lucky enough to land a job as an intern at Player Deuce PR where I helped to release a number of independent titles. I then got even luckier when I became GamesRadar's trainee intelligence writer where I get to spread the tidings about the goings-on in the television game world. My expertise lies in Animal Crossing attendant topics after outlay the last 15 eld immersing myself in island living. I also know a thing or 2 about The Last of U.S.A, and way too much about the Land Hearts series.


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